Audio Technica ATH-M50 Review
Audio Technica ATH-M50
- Good Build Quality
- Clear, Detailed, Clear Sound
- The are reasonably priced
- Low Sound Leak
- They are very comfortable
- Cable is not detachable
- The earcups are shallow

We’re going to be looking at
the Audio Technica ATH-M50
studio headphones.
Now the M50’s are a community favourite.
They’re a really commonly recommended headphone
on Head-Fi, which is the audio and headphone
enthusiast forum.
And the M50’s were actually the first set
of full-sized headphones soon after I joined
Now there’s a number of reasons why the M50’s
are so popular.
That’s because they offer a good reference
level for neutral sound quality that you can
get, and good build quality that you can get
for around this price point.
That said, for a number of years I’ve owned
the M50’s now, and I think they are a number
of things they do really well, and a number
of things, they don’t do so well.
So starting off with the build of the headphone
the M50 is a professional studio monitoring
headphone, so it’s designed to last a long
time and to be used for production houses
and recording studios.
So what you get is a really chunky durable
design, really well thought out.
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