Digital vs Analog Audio For Dummies

Sound waves recorded and stored for our listening pleasure can pretty much be broken down into 2 main categories. The reason you’re here is that you want to learn more about these important aspects of sound – how it’s recorded, how it’s stored, and ultimately, how it will sound.  All 3 of these factors play an extremely important role in […]

Does Music Improve Memory? Listen, Study, Repeat

Music is one of the most powerful forms of entertainment… but is it just entertainment? Does it have any real value beyond creating a fun, upbeat atmosphere? Our emotions have a pretty noticeable effect on how well we can (or can’t) remember certain people, places, and events. We all know that music can alter, elevate, or (in the worst case) […]

What Is Melomania? – For The Love Of Music

What is melomania? Is it a good or bad thing? Is it a disease? What does it have to do with music (if anything at all)? Keep reading to see what it means, how to tell if you have it, and why it’s important to know! What Is Melomania? – The Love Of Music? When we take a look at […]

Music and Empathy – Listening to Music Increases Empathy

Music and Empathy With every passing day, I’m becoming more and more convinced that listening to music increases empathy. Being exposed to ideas from cultures all over the world is an extremely valuable experience in a lot of different ways.  It only makes sense that exposure to different types of music and ideas can help someone grow into a more […]

Music Addiction Disorder – Real or Fake?

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” This is the serenity prayer that is often chanted in unison by those struggling with addiction who attend Twelve-Step Meetings such as A.A. While drug addiction is a serious issue that shouldn’t be taken lightly, […]

Music Meditation – Use Technology To Find Solace

I wanted to reach out and create a post about music meditation. A lot of times, people will tell you that meditations should be done in quiet stillness, but I’m of the opinion that this doesn’t have to be the case for everyone. Music often gets pushed to the back of people’s minds, thrown carelessly into the background of life. […]