Why Does Vinyl Sound Better? – Or Does It?

Many people wonder (and debate) about which form of audio sounds the best. The answer will vary from person to person since much of it still boils down to personal preference. Dedicated music collectors will always buy CDs, cassette tapes, digital downloads, and of course – vinyl records.  Although collecting records isn’t the most-popular way to consume your favorite music, […]

Do I Need A Phono Preamp? – Maybe You Do!

You’re probably wondering, “Do I need a phono preamp?” In order to answer your question, you’ll need to know what they’re used for an why you might want to add one to your turntable setup. In some cases, a phono stage is an absolute necessity. Depending on your specific turntable, you may or may not need one. We’ll go over […]

The Difference Between an EP and LP Explained

When you’re browsing the music section of iTunes, Amazon Music, Tidal Music, Spotify, or one of the few remaining record stores – you’ll sometimes see either “EP” or “LP” after the title.  The difference between an EP and LP is less confusing than you might think. In an era where most people use one of the popular streaming services to […]

What Is Surface Noise? – How Much Is Too Much?

You just bought a new turntable (or you’re brushing the dust off an older one) and you’re excited to start listening to your records.  After you set the record down on the platter, drop the stylus, and let it spin – you could’ve sworn that your copy of Let It Bleed used to sound so much better. Now you’re wondering why […]