How long do Roland Digital Pianos Last

The average lifespan of a digital piano For a piano to last long, it will depend on the brand and how you maintain it. Generally, the expensive ones are usually the most durable because of their components and keys etc. The quality of a piano and the condition it is exposed to affect how long it will last. Digital pianos […]

Can You Take a Digital Piano on a Plane?

Have you been wondering if you can travel with a digital piano? No need to worry; it is possible to carry your digital piano with you. You must take precautions and check the regulations before deciding to bring your DP with you. Can you fly with a digital piano?  Yes, you can always fly with your digital piano as prescribed […]

Casio PX S1000 vs Roland FP30 | Which Digital Piano Is Better?

Wondering where to spend your money, Casio PX S1000 vs Roland FP30? The PX S1000 is a digital piano that is part of Casio’s premium Portable Grand line. It’s an 88-key digital piano that is part of Casio’s excellent Portable Grand line. It’s intended to provide a high-end digital piano experience for those that want it in a more portable […]

Roland FP30 vs Yamaha P125 | Which Digital Piano To Buy?

Choosing between Roland FP30 vs Yamaha P125 can be difficult. They are both portable keyboards that have been designed to make it easy for beginners to learn the basics of music. As such, they are both very similar, but there are a few notable differences.  First, the FP30 weighs around 16 pounds, compared to the P125’s 13.6-pound frame. The FP30 […]

Korg B2 vs Roland FP10 | Which One To Buy

Are you stuck between the Korg B2 vs Roland FP10? Decision, decisions, decisions!  Roland FP10 and Korg B2 are popular digital pianos for musicians in all kinds of genres. But which of these devices is the right choice for you? While it’s true that you can find a lot of opinions on this topic on the Internet. They are often […]

Piano Pedals Guide | What Are They? What Do They Do? Do You Need One?

‘Piano pedals,’ pedals attached to the piano’s underside, are used for expression and other dynamic effects. Piano pedals function An essential component of playing the piano is the use of pedals. The three main pedals are the sustain, sostenuto, and una corda pedal. The sustain pedal sustains all notes that are being played at the time it is pressed. The […]

Roland FP 90 vs Yamaha p515 | Why You Should Choose Which One

Struggling to choose between Roland FP 90 vs Yamaha p515? Professional musicians worldwide are considering ways in which they can keep up with the innovative technology that is being presented in pianos. An excellent way to do so is to choose between these two options that we are offering to you today.  These two electric keyboards have been designed in […]

Roland Go Keys vs Go Piano | Which Instrument Should You Get?

Finding it hard to choose between Roland Go Keys vs Go Piano? If you are interested in the music scene to get in on some piano lessons on a budget, then the Roland go collection has been designed to promote beginners and mobile musicians. It offers a wide variety of notes on a much smaller keyboard. The products are both […]

How to Choose a digital piano: What to Look for When Buying One

How to Choose a digital piano Buying a digital piano can be a difficult task. With the wide range of prices and features, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the choices. This article will provide you with some insight into what goes into choosing a new digital piano and anything that one should look out for when making their […]